Want Some New Birthday Celebration Ideas?

We've been talking to our Instagram Community and collecting some of our favorite birthday celebration ideas!  Need some inspiration?  You will love these ideas!

  • The Birthday Letter.  This one is a tradition we do at our house! Every birthday write a letter to the birthday child and talk about their last year.  Tell them what you love about them, funny facts, how you've seen them grow and you can even mention struggles you saw them persevere through. --- This becomes a keepsake they will cherish!  A great thing about this is you could prep it weeks before their birthday.
  • Create a Book about their past year.   This is an idea you could use every year to create a book and gift it to them on their birthday.  If every year seems like too much, it's still a great idea to create a book occasionally for them to remember significant events or achievements.
  • Do Something New Together.  One of our IG friends, Shell, shared this one with us.  She said every year for her husband's birthday she takes him to do something he's never done before.  How fun is that? It could be as simple as trying a new restaurant or as adventurous as sky diving!  Are you in?
  • Create a Treasure Hunt.  This is another fun idea.  Hide presents throughout your house and either just send the birthday child searching or create clues for them to find them.  Oh, I could see kids loving this!
  • What a Wonderful Way to Wake!  Gather the family and go together to wake the birthday boy/girl by singing "Happy Birthday" as loudly as possible.  This is one time a teen might not mind being woken up!
  • Decorate Your Yard.  Use balloons, use a sign, whatever you want to let the world all know it's birthday time!
  • Birthday Place Setting.  Let the birthday person eat on the special Birthday Plate and birthday glass... your kids will love this!  We've got this ready for you in our Birthday Box!
  • Birthday Week.  Instead of just a birth-day, how about birthday week!  All week long the birthday person gets to pick dinner, the movies, all the things!


Which idea is your favorite?  Want more?  Grab our 26+ Birthday Traditions & Celebration Ideas! Click HERE to grab it... Remember though, don't try to do everything... that makes for a crazy mom!  Just pick a couple great ideas that fit your family well and go all in.   

Here are some other great birthday posts you will love!



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